There are four models of Novaform memory foam mattress on the market manufactured by Sleep Innovations for Costco; the Novaform Gel, Novaform Pure Comfort, Novaform Pure Comfort Deluxe, and the Novaform Pure Comfort Grand. All of these mattresses have a limited 20 year warranty. Foundations or box springs are not included with any of them.
The Novaform Gel Mattress is rated 3.8 out of 5 stars, with 54% of consumers giving it the best possible rating of 5 out of 5. This Gel bed is made out of material that isn't a solid piece. It's manufactured out of little blue pebbles that are about a quarter of an inch in size. All of them are packed into a layer and sealed inside with a membrane.
Sleeping on this mattress has the same benefits as sleeping on any memory foam mattress. It limits motion transfer and helps to eliminate pressure points while you're asleep. Like many visco elastic mattresses, this Novaform mattress is not instantly soft. It takes a few seconds for your body heat to soften the gel so that it molds to your contours. A number of consumers say that this is better for people who sleep on their backs. On the negative side, there have been reports that the mattress traps more heat than other traditional Novaform models. Consumers like the price, the fact that this mattress is very supportive, and that they report reduced tossing and turning at night.
The Novaform Pure Comfort mattress rated 3.9. 58% of consumers in our sample gave it a 5 out of 5, the highest possible rating. This one is the least expensive model of the Novaform mattresses. It's also the firmest memory foam mattress made by Sleep Innovations for Costco. If you live in a colder climate you will like that this model holds your body heat in more than the Comfort Deluxe or Grand models. This bed is made of two layers. The top is a 2.5 inch memory foam layer with the bottom being a 9.5 inch base foam layer. Consumers like the low price, (a king size memory foam mattress for under 00), and that it is 12 inches high, which is not too high when added to a foundation.
The NovaForm Pure Comfort Deluxe rated 4.2 out of 5, with 67% of buyers giving it a perfect 5 out of 5. Consumers wanting to purchase a memory foam mattress who thought they could not because of budget constraints, should take another look at this mattress. It is one of the best mattresses under ,000.
This mattress made of two joined foam layers, and is 12 inches high. It has a 9" base layer made out of support foam. The top layer is made from 3 inches of NutraTemp® memory foam. This visco elastic foam is specially formulated to have enhanced breathability and temperature neutral aspects.
The top layer of this mattress is soft to the touch and does not require body warmth to soften it up. The manufacturer states that the sleeper will never be too warm or too cold while sleeping on it. In addition, it comes with a removable, washable cover. Consumers like this model's price, and that they did not have the 'sweaty' feeling in this bed.
The Novaform Pure Comfort Grand rated 3.9 out of 5 with 64% of consumers giving it the best rating of 5 out of 5. The Grand feels initially softer than the Pure Comfort Deluxe model. This is because it has another three inches of their NutraTemp memory foam which has greater airflow, which adds softness and does not trap your body heat. This bed is slightly heavier than the Comfort Deluxe model. The extra weight can be attributed to an extra 2 inch layer of "Spring Flex highly resilient polyurethane foam". This type of foam is denser than the foam in the base layer of other mattress models. To keep the height to 12 inches the base foam layer is 7 inches. Consumers like the softer feel than the Deluxe model, the removable quilted channel cover is water and stain resistant, and that it has no 'sweaty' feeling.
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